Amidst the beautiful Kent countryside, in the borough of Bromley, lies Magic of Foresters: a family-run Organic Christmas tree nursery, established in the 1960s.
For us - Julian, Toni and Sienna - Magic of Foresters has become an extension of our own family philosophy. We are guided by our dream to present experiences that provide a little pocket of Christmas and seasonal enchantment on people’s doorsteps. Over the years, the nursery has grown to become an experiential oasis for families wanting small, conscious, outdoor and love-felt gatherings. In Christmas 2017, we introduced our Santa’s Grotto, which has become a much-loved extension of the joyful family environment we pride ourselves on maintaining.
We look forward to welcoming you all to our magical home.
Christmas 2024
This year we will only be opening for the large of big tree (approx 10ft and above). This is not something we take lightly - it’s the first year we will be closed for general public sale since the 1960’s… This sadly means that we also won’t be running our Magic of Winter event either this year.
Please do sign up now for our newsletter if you haven’t already - we’ll be letting you know early next year all the dates for you to reserve your tree (and the dates for Magic of Winter)
We are taking this one-year break for the long-term sustainability of the farm. Growing trees is like steering an oil-tanker – there are no quick manoeuvres, and as Alan Hitch taught us “you have to work with nature, not fight against it”.
There are two reasons for this one-year break – firstly we are in the middle of a ‘trend transition’ – whereby the current preferred size is bigger than 5ft trees. Where Alan used to plant 3ft apart, and cut every other tree at 5ft, we now need to plant 4ft apart to accommodate for this larger size. We are 5 years into this transition which has resulted in less trees available right now. Secondly, we have lost a lot of trees due to both deer damage and weather (unfortunately these cute creatures are rather fond of Nordmann Fir and Noble Fir at the very vulnerable stage of 5 years old…). We have since put in significant fencing, but it takes time to recover.
For those of you wanting bigger trees (approx. 10ft plus) please call Julian on 07974 308 366 to arrange a time to visit the farm. We will not be opening on daily basis.
Santa’s Grotto testimonial:
“I just had to message to say how AMAZING it was today!!! It was magical - all the kids all truly believed they were with THE Father Christmas.
Thank you so much for going above and beyond with your help with Christmas mouse - the whole visit has erased any doubts the bigger kids had and will be such a great memory for them to look back on!
Father Christmas and the elves were amazing - we’ll definitely be back next year!”
Katie Calienda
Christmas tree testimonial:
Present under the tree.....
Christmas trees can act as potent air purifiers; for the whole month these green goddesses are busy drawing in moisture and impurities from the air in your living space and in return filling the air with essential oils.
So ask yourself.... would you like a tree that’s grown organically and part of the eco System, that can be handed back to the soil and will purify the air in your home?
Or, would you prefer a tree that’s produced using hormone inhibitors, sprayed with pesticides and roundup, creating a toxic air cocktail in your home?
If you’re in London... go get your wild butts over to @magicofforesters to pick up your organic Christmas tree.
Yes it might mean going the extra mile and maybe spending a few more pounds BUT this is a family farm, run by people who are going more than the extra mile to produce these organic Fair trade trees. In fact they’re the only farm in the uk doing let’s show support and round up against the roundup.
Happy air purifying season to you all.
Breathe, breath, breathe!
Present, present, present!’
Tony Riddle @thenaturallifestylist